The program will focus on the march from Selma to Montgomery and the development of culture through the implementation of the eightfold path of nonviolence (Gandhi’s concepts of Satyagraha and Ahimsa and King’s six tenets). The concepts of individuation, the ego/Self Axis, the cultural unconscious, and cultural complex will be demonstrated and am plified as key components of development within the individual and culture. Selma, Alabama serves as the symbol of America’s metaphysical struggle for freedom and our relationship with the divine, found through agape, our deepest, divine human connection to each other.
RENEE M. CUNNINGHAM, MFT, is a Diplomate Jungian Analyst in private practice in Phoenix, AZ. She is a member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analyst, is a training analyst and national speaker. Her book Archetypal Nonviolence: King, Jung and Culture through the Eyes of Selma is published through Routledge (2020).