We welcome donations and the opportunity to work with you in determining the suitability of our archive for your materials. Prior to donation, we ask that you consult our collection scope policy and confirm that your materials fit within the specified subject and format boundaries. Please also remove or flag any materials that contain sensitive or confidential information. We then encourage you to contact our office and we will arrange a time to meet and view the materials. If both parties agree to move forward with the process, we will request that you agree to and sign a formal deed of gift. Without a deed of gift, we cannot guarantee adequate storage space or preservation care for the materials. After the deed is signed by both parties, we will arrange for the physical transfer of the materials to the Jung Institute and prepare them to be processed.

Before contacting the Institute about a donation, please consult our Collection Scope Policy and review our Deed of Gift. We also recommend you review our Privacy Policy and Access Statement for more information about confidential materials and access restrictions.

The Institute welcomes donations in the following formats:

Handwritten journals, notes, and original manuscripts

Photographic prints, negatives, transparencies, and slides. As much as possible, please identify relevant people, places and dates prior to donation

Correspondence, including the original envelope


Unique audio and video recordings

Digital files, clearly labeled and organized

Thank you!