The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco Archive serves the Jungian community by documenting and preserving the memory and contributions of its visionaries, founding members, and current leaders and practitioners. Our commitment to this work stems from a collectively held belief in the importance of historical knowledge and a desire to remember and honor the Institute’s past and present members.

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Costume party at C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, 1954
The Stone, Bollingen
International student Chris Suh at the Institute
Joe Henderson, 1979
Jo and Jane Wheelwright
Members Retreat, 1992
Herb Wiesenfeld, Don Sandner and George Hogle, 1975
Jane Wheelwright, 1978
Panelists at North-South Conference, 1958
William McGuire
Jo Wheelwright
Red House on Steiner
Neil Russack and Elizabeth Osterman, 1978
Tom Kirsch, Jim Yandell, Joe Henderson, 1978
Marie-Louise von Franz
Tom Kirsch, Mary Jo Spencer, Helena Henderson, 1988
Ghost Ranch conference, 1987
George Hogle, 1989
Miller, Charleton, Hogle, Kaen, Grossenbacher
Image from Jung's Red Book
Analysts at "Political Psyche" conference, 1995
Dora Kalff, 1971
Clare Thompson presenting at North-South Conference, 1958
James Whitney and Bill Walcott, 1958
Kay Bradway's 90th birthday celebration, 2000
Joe Henderson and Elizabeth Osterman, 1966
Kay Bradway as a young woman
First meeting of the Society of Jungian Analysts, 1978
First Analytical Psychology Club office in Zurich
Kay Bradway and Joe Henderson, 2000
Renee Brand, 1962
Lucille Elliott and Elizabeth Osterman
Virginia and Wayne Detloff, 1972
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The purpose of the Archive is to collect, preserve, and make available for scholarship significant written and graphic documents pertaining to the history of analytical psychology in Northern California. The Archive welcomes materials related to the following: (1) the background, development, and membership of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, (2) Jung’s life, family, friends, colleagues, and early followers, and as resources permit, (3) the growth of Analytical Psychology.

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Physical Access
The Archive welcomes inquiries concerning access to the physical collection, which is open to members of the San Francisco Jung Institute, candidates and, with some restrictions, staff, clinic interns, IAAP members from affiliated institutes, and members of the Friends of Jung, and Analytical Psychology Club of San Francisco.

Others may be granted access to the Archive for research purposes by contacting the Institute Library Manager directly.

Online Access
Some items in the collection have been digitized and are available online through our catalog and archives website. To view online items in the library catalog, click on the “View Catalog Record” link at the bottom of the page for each collection, then select the “Advanced Search” option from the library catalog page, open the “Collection” tab, and click the box next to the collection you’d like to search. You can then search each collection by keyword, subject, date, or format.