International Analytical Psychology Scholar Program

This program is on hiatus until further notice.

Program Description
The International Analytical Psychology Scholar Program is an advanced training opportunity offered by the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. The program, begun in 1996, offers a two-year course of intensive study in analytical psychology to a mental health professional from a country where Jungian analytical training is not available. Our most recent scholars have been from Taiwan, Hungary, Poland, India, Colombia and Romania. Past scholars have included a psychiatrist from Korea, an academic psychologist from China, and a psychology scholar from Bulgaria.


The International Analytical Psychology Scholar Program is both academic and clinical, and is intended to further personal development and enhance skills as a depth psychotherapist. One scholar is selected every two years for this opening after a thorough interview process. It is important to note that the International Analytical Psychology Scholar Program is different from both our Analytical Training Program and our Internship Program for predoctoral psychology students working at our Outpatient Clinic. However, the International Scholar attends seminars with our first- and second-year analytical candidates, participates as an intern in our Clinic (both working under supervision with patients and taking didactic courses with the predoctoral interns). Additionally, he or she participates in a personal analysis and consultation with analyst members of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.

The International Scholar will not be certified as an analyst as a result of participation in our program. However, she or he will experience a substantial grounding for the further study of analytical psychology. Most of our former International Scholars have subsequently become Jungian analysts via the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP).