The field of depth psychology emerged in Vienna at the very same time that Gustav Klimt was transitioning from a sentimental portrait style to a radical exploration of sex and death in his painting. In this rich multimedia presentation, we will explore the parallels between Sigmund Freud’s theory of the unconscious drives and the Interpretation of Dreams with the Secessionist work that made Klimt famous, and then turn to how in his later years, Klimt’s work forged a new style that wove together Egyptian, Greek and Hebrew mythology with nature to achieve a synthesis of integration that synchronistically parallels ideas of individuation and the Self that emerged in C. G. Jung’s The Red Book.
KAYLEEN ASBO, PhD, is a passionate scholar who weaves together myth, music, psychology, history and art. A past faculty member of the Pacifica Graduate Institute, Sonoma State University, and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Asbo is the director of Mythica, a unique organization offering salons, workshops, and retreats on the intersection of Myth, Jungian
Psychology and the Arts.