Myths for C. G. Jung were a leading force directing one’s life. Based on Jung’s studies, and the instructor’s personal background as an Amazonian woman, we will explore a Kaxinawá myth under the umbrella of the archetypal intersubjectivity theory. The exploration of the Kaxinawá myth will work towards opening analytical psychology to an indigenous worldview, and participate in an effort to “decolonize” Jung — examining and critiquing the unconscious and potentially-destructive cultural assumptions in Jung’s own work, and discovering the similarities between two limited worldviews that illuminate the similarities of humanity in all places and times.
HANNAH HENNEBERT, PhD, MA, is a Brazilian-American independent scholar. She holds a PhD in Psycholog y with concentration in Jungian Studies from Saybrook University, an MA in Counseling from Eastern Mennonite University. She has presented at various international conferences. Her integrative therapeutic approach includes neuroscience and depth psychology. She enjoys going for a walk in the nearby forest, dancing, drawing mandalas, and drumming.