We have all been shaken to the core by a global pandemic. In our current cultural climate of information saturation, cynicism, and incendiary political divisiveness, The Red Book, stands out as an unapologetic call to meaning, interiority, and the development of the inner person, the more so with the recent publication of The Black Books. C. G. Jung’s personal encounter with chaos and madness, through a journey into the imaginal, was the lifeblood of his conceptual framework, one that he further defined and expounded on in the Collected Works. QiRe Ching will read aloud selected passages, following The Red Book’s narrative, while pausing frequently to allow time for discussion. We will explore and unpack what Jung is saying. Participants will be encouraged to sink into their full range of feelings and associations as their psyches are activated by the material. Many people have found The Red Book difficult to follow on their own. The intention of this class is to provide participants with meaningful signposts that will facilitate their connection to the material and excite them to return to it on their own.
QIRE CHING, LCSW, is an analyst member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. He teaches in the candidate training program and is in private practice. He also has a background in fine arts and has been a Hunters Point Naval Shipyard artist for over 30 years.