What’s it Like to be in Tao?

LIVESTREAM VIA ZOOM and IN-PERSON AT THE INSTITUTE 2610 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

A seminar with discussion followed by refreshments


Re-imagining Democracy Beyond The 2024 Election: Critical Reflections and Creative Responses


The 2024 C.G. Jung Institute Presidency Conference offered deeply moving reflections on many of the issues that roil the United States and that will undoubtedly continue to inflame and divide the country: abortion, immigration, gun control, economic policy, racial and ethnic tensions, authoritarianism vs democracy, environmental policy, international relations.


Sophocles’ Antigone: Annihilation of the Future

A seminar with discussion followed by refreshments. Loyalty and authority stand as central values in every form of society. But such questioning as “to whom?” can quickly complicate a community’s experience.


The Many-Layered Mystery of the Human Journey

The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco

C. G. Jung brought to psychology the recognition that the unfolding of a human life is at a deep level a spiritual journey.


Dreaming the Dream Onwards

At the Institute Only

In this workshop participants will deepen their relationship to the unconscious by exploring the nature and language of dreams and learn through Jung’s method of active imagination and modalities of the expressive arts how to “dream the dream onwards.
